Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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#Invalid Data Type (Column formula)

I think I found my issues and need to see if there is a work around, as it worked last year and this year it stopped.

I have a sheet the summarizes data by month. In one column the formula works fine and the next column I get the #Invalid Data Type.

The one that work is - =SUMIFS({SY Project Data - Sales Price}, {SY Project Data Order Closed}, MONTH(@cell) = 1). It sums the sale price for order closed in January, works great.

This one returns the error - =SUMIFS({SY Project Data - Profit}, {SY Project Data Order Closed}, MONTH(@cell) = 1). It should sum the profits on the order closed in January, but it does not. The only difference I see is that the column "SY Project Data - Profit" is a Column Formula.

Is there a work around for this?

Thank you in advance for your help!


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