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COUNTIFS with dates

Hi all,

I'm struggling to get a formula to work that can return the number of projects that start within the next 4 weeks. In the main sheet we have a project type column and a project start date column. In the following formula Smartsheet range 1 is the project type and Smartsheet rage 2 is the start date:

=COUNTIFS({Smartsheet Range 1}, "Project type 1", {Smartsheet Range 2}, <=DATE+28)

I have also tried:

=COUNTIFS({Smartsheet Range 1}, "Project type 1", {Smartsheet Range 2}, <=(DATE+28))

I can get it to work with a set date:

=COUNTIFS({Smartsheet Range 1}, "Project type 1", {Smartsheet Range 2}, <=(DATE(2025, 3, 30)))

but I want this to work out the live number of projects so I can add a graph in a dashboard that will constantly update, so need the date to be the current date moving forwards. The above formula will only give a snapshot on that particular date.

Any help would be much appreciated.



Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Kirk Siddals

    Instead of DATE, use the TODAY function for today's date

    TODAY(28) will return today's date plus 28 days.

    =COUNTIFS({Smartsheet Range 1}, "Project type 1", {Smartsheet Range 2}, <=(TODAY(28)))

    For bonus points, I noticed that your formula will include all projects of the correct type that start before or on the date 4 weeks from today which will include those starting before today. If you only want those starting within the next 4 weeks you will need to add another criteria to the COUNTIFS to only include those that start today or later. That would look like this:

    =COUNTIFS({Smartsheet Range 1}, "Project type 1", {Smartsheet Range 2}, <=(TODAY(28)),{Smartsheet Range 2},>=TODAY())

    Hope this helps.


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Kirk Siddals

    Instead of DATE, use the TODAY function for today's date

    TODAY(28) will return today's date plus 28 days.

    =COUNTIFS({Smartsheet Range 1}, "Project type 1", {Smartsheet Range 2}, <=(TODAY(28)))

    For bonus points, I noticed that your formula will include all projects of the correct type that start before or on the date 4 weeks from today which will include those starting before today. If you only want those starting within the next 4 weeks you will need to add another criteria to the COUNTIFS to only include those that start today or later. That would look like this:

    =COUNTIFS({Smartsheet Range 1}, "Project type 1", {Smartsheet Range 2}, <=(TODAY(28)),{Smartsheet Range 2},>=TODAY())

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi KPH,

    That's brilliant, thank you so much for the answer and brilliant solution! Love the addition of the third criteria and will definitely be using it :)

  • Community Champion

    Glad I could help! Thanks for the feedback.

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