Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Unparseable Error

Good day Smartsheet Team,

Getting an unparseable error on this formula:

=IF($Name@row <> "",(SUMIFS({Expense}, {Period},1, {Type}, OR(@cell = "RES602782", @cell = "RES602497")),"")

Trying to pull in all expenses from period 1 that have a type of RES602782 and RES602497.

Probably been looking at it too long but can't seem to get it parse. Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    edited 03/05/25 Answer ✓


    Right away with out looking into it too much. You have a syntax error. SUMIFS does not work with OR and AND statements. Instead you would have to do two separate formulas and add them together.

    =IF(Name@row <> "", (SUMIFS({Expense}, {Period}, 1, {Type}, "RES602782") + SUMIFS({Expense}, {Period}, 1, {Type}, "RES602497")), "")

    See if this fixes the problem for you.

    If you found this comment helpful. Please respond with any of the buttons below. Awesome🖤, Insightful💡, Upvote⬆️, or accepted answer. Not only will this help others searching for the same answer, but help me as well. Thank you.


  • Community Champion
    edited 03/05/25 Answer ✓


    Right away with out looking into it too much. You have a syntax error. SUMIFS does not work with OR and AND statements. Instead you would have to do two separate formulas and add them together.

    =IF(Name@row <> "", (SUMIFS({Expense}, {Period}, 1, {Type}, "RES602782") + SUMIFS({Expense}, {Period}, 1, {Type}, "RES602497")), "")

    See if this fixes the problem for you.

    If you found this comment helpful. Please respond with any of the buttons below. Awesome🖤, Insightful💡, Upvote⬆️, or accepted answer. Not only will this help others searching for the same answer, but help me as well. Thank you.

  • Yes. It. Does. Thanks Mark! Just starting to get used to the Excel > Smartsheet translation and this was very helpful and instructive.

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