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I am trying to take 2 rows and combine them to one. They started as 2 separate projects but are now under one estimate. Is this possible? Or could I hyperlink on to the other?


  • Hi Brittany,

    There isn't a way to hyperlink or combines rows, but you might consider creating a parent row with your project name, and indenting those two rows underneath it as children.

    Details on creating hierarchy can be found in our help article: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/504734-hierarchy-indenting-outdenting-rows

    Also, welcome to the Smartsheet Community!

    One recommendation: to make sure people in the community understand the nature of your future posts, please articulate your title to reflect or paraphrase your question. Titles like "NEED HELP!!" are less informative over titles like, "Can I combine/merge two rows?" and may deter others in the community from responding.

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