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Setting up a permanent reminder for a row

Hi there,

I'm currently working on a sheet, where it will send out a reminder 2 weeks (14 days) before the due date.

I've added the reminded on the parent row of each entries and based on the children rows, the date will constantly change, once all the criteria has been met.

Now the issue I have is once the reminder has been sent, the reminder settings I had added on the parent row will disappear.

Is there any way I can keep the reminder on the parent row permanently?

Thanks in advance.

reminder issue.png


  • I don' know that I'm perfectly clear on what you are after, but I suspect part of the solution you need involves using a dedicated Reminder Date column.  You can set that date to change according to your needs by writing an appropriate formula that looks at the task's end date.  If you describe a particular example, I may be able to help you get to the end goal sooner.

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