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Timestamp for changes in each row

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I created a "Modified" column in smartsheet to track changes for each change within that row. It appears to be constantly changing in the entire COLUMN whenever any thing is changed in the sheet. This is a major problem since my formulas are referring to the cell that has the last change mod done to it.

Is there a way to make the time stamp only affect the row instead of the entire column?



  • Are you using an equation (ex: =today()) to generate this date?  Is there a reason you aren't "simply" manually inputting the date?  To my knowledge, Smartsheet doesn't have this functionality natively although I have seen it requested on Community a few different times.

  • Hello Mike

    I set up a column named "Modified". Apparently this is a predefined column built into SS. The issue is this will stamp the current date to every row when ever they is a change to ANY cell in the SS. I use SS as a database to track completed steps and my formulas refer to dates of completion. The formula looks in the "Modified" column and readjusts the how much time the person has based on the last change in said row.

    Do you know of another way the have an automated time stamp that will change only when something is changed in said row?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    What you describe is not normal behavior.

    Unless something in the row has changed, the [Modified] column in that row should not change.

    Do you have calculations being done elsewhere (not in the [Modified] column - since that is a System column) that contain the TODAY() function? These also should not trigger the Modified timestamp unless the visual results of the cell changes.

    Do you have Dependencies set and something has changed a date, causing things to shift (I doubt this is the case, but put it out there)

    Try turning on Highlight Changes to see if you can narrow down what, exactly, is changing.

    If still baffled, I would suggest reaching out to support@smartsheet.com



  • Hello Craig,

    I have other formulas in other columns but nothing that would affect the "Modified" column. That column should only change if something in the row changes. What's weird is that column works like it should throughout the day, changing whenever a cell is changed. It shows multiple times in each row because various things have been changed in different rows. The strange thing is when I start my day in the morning, the entire "Modified" column has updated itself to show when I opened SS. Which means the "Modified" time stamp is the same in the entire column! It works throughout the day but in the morning resets to when ever I open SS. Absolutely weird!!

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Sounds like a job for support@smartsheet.com


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