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How to count the number of rows of the children?

Acon ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi guys,

I spent a whole day searching the forum but didn't find any relevant answer.

I need to know how many children rows a parent have to do some calculation. So it's not about the content/number/text in any cell of the children rows, but the NUMBER OF CHILDREN ROWS(no matter what's inside them, even if they are blank).

Any simple formula?

Thank you.


  • Try entering the following formula on the parent line where you want the count to appear:

    =Count(Children).  I pretty sure this will work. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Blank cells of most column types will not be counted. I say "most" because Checkbox and some (not all) Symbol columns have a valid blank is condition and so the COUNT will work.

    To count the number for children in a Checkbox column, you need to either:

    1. convert it to a text

    =COUNT(CHILDREN()) + ""

    and then use VALUE if you want to use that as a number somewhere else.


    2. Put your formula in different column

    =COUNT(CHILDREN([Check Box Column]23]))

    for row 23.


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