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POs Using Sights??

Erin Dziengel
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hello Product Owners,


Wondering if someone would be willing to share how they are using Sights to build a dashboard for their product reviews with stakeholders? Just got our enterprise license so I'm new to the Sights functionality. 


Would love to leverage this group who might have more experience using this feature.




  • Hi Erin,

    I use Sights in two ways:

    1. Visualizing Community KPIs—We have analytics that we get on the community from google analytics and drupal (the community platform itself). We put this data into sheets and use metrics widgets and reports widgets in a dashboard to display them by the quarter, year, etc. SOME of these are screenshots of graphs that we have from google analytics that we add to Sights as image widgets. 
    2. Subject Matter Experts Dashboard—I use only image widgets to link out to other resources. This is purely a "resources dashboard." SMEs need quick access to their help content assignments and other materials for the community as well.

    Of the two, it sounds like you're wanting more of the former. My advice is to start by getting your metrics/KPIs into sheets first. We have a sheet that contains metrics by the month that are then summed by the quarter. Metrics widgets display this info beautifully in a Sight.

    When you need to display a graph, right now the best way to do it is by taking a screenshot and adding that graph as an image widget. You will need to change the image to reflect the most current data.

    I've attached screenshots of the two Sights I use for ideas on layout.

    Hope this helps!

    Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 1.40.01 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 1.40.14 PM.png

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for sharing this Shaine.


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