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Importing Text Excel Data as Drop List

Lisa Lau
Lisa Lau
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi all -

I imported data from a spreadsheet, and some data columns that had been text in Excel became drop lists in Smartsheet. So, for example, I had a column 'Frequency' which had 6 different values such as 'Calendar Annual', and Smartsheet created a drop list with those values. But other columns, such as 'Benchmark' with many more values, such as 'S&P 500', were not converted to a drop list. I'd love it if they would - is there any way to set that as a conversion rule for particular columns' data? 

Thanks in advance.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you right-click on the Column header and choose: Edit Column Properties and choose Dropdown, it will convert the column to a dropdown and include all current field answers as possible choices. You can then choose other options thereafter. 

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