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Adding Report Widget

Sally Laws
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Any tips please?

I'm attempting to add a report widget to a sight sheet.  I'm the owner of the data I'm trying to access but it says I can only select reports which you are Admin. 




  • Schiff A.
    Schiff A. Employee

    Hi Sally,

    Are you the owner of the source sheets or are you the owner of the report itself? Even if you own the sheets containing the source data, you will still need to be an admin or owner of the report to use it in a report widget on a Sight.

    Use this article to view your sharing settings on the report to confirm your current sharing permissions level: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/516096-sharing-sending-reports

    Your options to resolve this are to:

    • have your sharing permissions on the report increased to Admin
    • create your own report to use with the widget


    Let us know if you have any further questions.




    Smartsheet Support


  • Sally Laws
    edited 12/14/17

    Many thanks for replying Schiff

    I thought I was the owner of the source sheet and the owner of the report as I have created both.

    I'll look at the link you have provide and see if I can resolve my issue.



    Smartsheet - Sally Laws.png

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