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Receiving Reminders Not Receiving Notifications



  • Kevin Tao

    Hi Karin,

    I see.  Given that your Support user is active/confirmed, I'm not sure why it wouldn't receive notifications.  If you want to give me some additional information about your account (the email address would be enough), I could see if there's anything more I can find out from logs and our internal support system--you can email me at my first name, dot, last name at smartsheet.com.

    As for why the mailbox receives reminders, that may just be a longtime bug that nobody's noticed (until now!)

    Your scenario makes sense to me (wanting your notifications to go to a non-user email address).  That's actually the reason we added the ability to specify non-user email addresses as notification recipients as of a few months ago.  However, we also added the new security setting ("users shared to this sheet", "any email address", etc.) to prevent unintentional exposure of private data (you need to choose to allow external recipients), and that's the reason why we probably can't let templates automatically inherit that setting.  Unfortunately sometimes security trumps ease of use.  I'll bring it up with the team, though.

    As for whether a user shared to a workspace as a viewer should be able to receive notifications: yes, they should, so long as they're an active/confirmed user (which it sounds like yours is).  So I'm not sure why yours isn't receiving them.  I'll look into it if you want to email me more information.




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