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Cloning a column within a sheet

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers

Has the cloning of a column within the same sheet feature been developed? I saw the discussion back in 2016.




  • Hi Christi,

    There isn't a way to clone a column so that it would copy all of the column data over to a new column in the same sheet. 

    You could create a new column and add a formula such as =[referenced column]@row with the "referenced column" being the column you would like to clone. 

    You could also duplicate a conditional formatting rule and change the column name. Details on conditional formatting rules can be found in our Help Center: http://help.smartsheet.com/articles/516359-conditional-formatting

    When you have a moment, please submit a product enhancement request to let our Product team know that you'd like the ability to clone columns. The product enhancement request form is located in the Quick Links section to the right of this discussion.



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