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API CSV import to active SmartSheet

edited 12/09/19 in API & Developers


I have written a program that utilizes the API from smartsheets; for simplicity, it just takes data from a source and imports it to SmartSheets. Problem is, it can only import it on a new sheet, not an active sheet. I understand that there is a tool that was recently developed: Data Uploader.(https://www.smartsheet.com/datauploader?_ga=2.147368181.372019632.1545060519-1537166030.1544741559) 

That can do this, but unfortunately, I do not think there is something within the SmartSheet module that satisfies that. I have looked over the API reference guide and I cannot see that this is possible.

Right now, I have an issue because I just need it to interact to one smartsheet and import the data to this one sheet hourly. 

Please let me know if this is possible.


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