Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Reference Sheet Summary fields in formula in sheet



  • Community Champion

    Thanks @Andrée Starå. I am well and safe. Hope the same for you.

    I was not aware that the Grouping/Summarizing support of Reports was released for Dashboards. I have updated a few things to clean up the look of that data. Great, but would still like to be able to sort by Count of my Group (descending) to show the high volume areas for my grouped fields. Additionally, an option to Pareto that data out to show the top items making up the whole population to focus attention on.

    The piece that I'm missing is an automated alert if my common numbers don't match. I was able to create a new Report that references the Sheet Summary values. But now I wish I could create an automation from this for any mismatches.

  • @Andrée Starå Has the formula for referencing a sheet summary field in the sheet changed? I have a Sheet Summary field named Project START DATE. When I enter =[Project START DATE]# in a cell in that same sheet, it doesn't recognize the formula at all.

  • Community Champion

    @KGetchellTiffany It looks like you have dependencies turned on in which case columns being used by dependencies cannot contain formulas. You can however have this date in a separate sheet and create a cell link to it in a dependency column.

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