Cross sheet formula to allow a series of data to be pulled into 1 cell

This is my formula:

=IF(Staff4 <> "", VLOOKUP(Staff4, {Sheet - PTO & Project Staffing Range 1}, 56, false), "")

I need to see all the data in Staffing Range that Staff4 is working on.

Right now, I have it naming the first name in that column. I want it to list all the different names of projects that Kate is working on.

Please help!



  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion
    edited 01/24/20

    =join(collect(Project:Project,Project:Project,not(isblank(@cell)),Staff:Staff,@cell= Staff4), ", ")+join(collect([Project 2]:[Project 2],[Project 2]:[Project 2],not(isblank(@cell)),Staff:Staff, @cell = Staff4), ", ")

    You just need to add your other sheet references for the project, project 2, and staff columns.

  • Thank you so much!


  • I couldn't make that work. I'm going to try to explain what I need more concisely.

    Here is my result sheet with the current formula which gives me the first project name (on the other sheet) associated with the Assigned to person.

    What I need is for the formula to give me all the project names (on the other sheet) associated with the Assigned to person. Ideally, separated by a comma.

    Thank you for your help.


  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    Is the persons name on a single row, or multiple?

    Please post the formula you tried to use that is updated with the current references.

  • Multiple rows, always the same column.

    I've tried so many things. None of them worked. DISTINCT, COLLECT, JOIN and whatever else seemed to make sense.

    I'm stumped.

  • L_123
    L_123 Community Champion

    try posting my exact formula on a random empty cell on the same sheet and see if it works. if not we can take a look at some other options.

    Please post the formula you have already tried with your other sheet references so I can check for syntax errors.

  • Hi,

    posting the formula in a random empty cell gets the #UNPARSEABLE error message.

    =IF(Staff4 <> "", VLOOKUP(Staff4, {Sheet - PTO & Project Staffing Range 1}, 56, false), "")

    This formula works but only the first time a project appears with the corresponding Staff. I want my result cell to mention all the projects that correspond to the person/Staff.

    Thank you for your help.


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