Formula to calculate time

Earlier I found the following formula in this forum to calculate time, as follows:

Let's say it is row 1 and the columns are:



=VALUE(LEFT(EndTime1, (FIND(":", EndTime1) - 1))) - VALUE(LEFT(StartTime1, (FIND(":", StartTime1) - 1))) + (VALUE(RIGHT(EndTime1, (FIND(":", EndTime1) - 1))) - VALUE(RIGHT(StartTime1, (FIND(":", StartTime1) - 1)))) / 60

However, I realised that for time before 8:00, it couldn't count accurately. (Refer to picture below, highlighted in red)

Anyone has more accurate formula to calculate time?


Vivien Chong

Modern Work Management Consultant @ 57Network Consultancy Sdn Bhd

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