Multiple Questions approval process.


Guys, as you all know we are using Smartsheet to protect our facility from individuals coming in to the plant. I have downloaded the COVID-19 form from Smartsheet. However, I created my own, and I am having a hard time figuring this out.

If visitor answer "Yes" to any of the questions, then, access is automatically Denied.

=IF(OR([Traveled outside The US?]5 = "Yes", [Traveled on a Cruise Ship?]5 = "Yes", [Respiratory Illness?]5 = "Yes", [Contact with symptomatic Person?]5 = "Yes"), "Denied", "")

If visitor answers no to all questions, then, it goes for approval process. (automatic workflow).

The thing is, if it goes for approval the response is saved under the Access column "Approved" or "Denied". But, in that column I also have the following formula.

As you see, my formula is overwrited. Thus, when next submission comes in the formula is not longer available.

How can I make it so both scenarios work?😣

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