Column CountIF Totals won't plot on Chart Widget when summarized

The Goal:

I built a Dashboard Chart Widget to present Summary Data and found it works when I pull from a Column Total that uses a Count formula that is then Totaled with a simple addition formula.

=COUNT([High School]3:[High School]124)

=[High School]2 + [High School]125 + [High School]172 + [High School]212 + [High School]303 + [High School]320 + [High School]362 + [High School]473 + [High School]502 + [High School]513 + [High School]522

The Problem:

When I reference a Column Total using the "Count IF Children" formula to Count Column Checkboxes that are Checked, the Values referenced won't plot on the Chart Widget.

=COUNTIF(CHILDREN([AT&T Event Invite]2, [AT&T Event Invite]125, [AT&T Event Invite]172, [AT&T Event Invite]212, [AT&T Event Invite]303, [AT&T Event Invite]320, [AT&T Event Invite]362, [AT&T Event Invite]473, [AT&T Event Invite]502, [AT&T Event Invite]513, [AT&T Event Invite]522), 1) + ""

What am I missing?   Is there an alternative approach?


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