"Move A Row" workflow automation triggered from VLookup cell



  • Erik Beltran

    Hi @Ross Novotny

    Not sure if this is still an issue, but what i did as a workaround is to create a helper column (Checkbox, e.g. "ReadyToMove") that will be set as true or false based on the result of my VLookup formula. The workflow to move the rows will rely on this checkbox.

    Hope it helps,


  • Christina09
    Christina09 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Erik Beltran!

    the checkbox worked, it triggered the automation to move / copy row. I was hoping there is another way so I'm not creating extra column since there are already 60+ columns in the sheet.



  • Matt Wagner

    Hi Christina,

    It sounds like I am having a very similar issue that you are. Have you figured out a way to move a row to another sheet based on the results from a formula with a cross-sheet reference?

    I do not want to add a new column because I already have 40+ columns in this sheet and it will make the "edit" row form less clean.



  • Joachim Mund
    Joachim Mund ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi all, Hi @Andrée Starå ,

    I have the same problem, the automation will not trigger:

    1. value "[MA aktuell]" of a contact changes because of vlookup with the master sheet
    2. helper column "[MA geändert]" "=IF(MA@row <> [MA aktuell]@row; 1; 0)" changes to "1"
    3. workflow regarding helper column will not trigger

    what else can I do to get it working?

    Thanks, Joachim

  • Christina09
    Christina09 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    hi @Joachim Mund ,

    Try setting your automation trigger to "when a date is reached" and the conditional to MA geändert is 1. I believe cell linking cannot be triggered when a cell changed, it has to be when a date is reached.

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