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Bringing an already setup group into my enterprise

David B
David B
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Before we purchased SmartSheets Enterprise we had 2 groups each using their own smartsheetss setup. However now that we have purchased the Enterprise edition 2 months back we would like to bring the small group into an already estabilished enterprise without losing permissions.


I know i can import peoples sheets one by one if they share them with a user already in the enterprise then they are shared again when the user has left the small group and has joined the enterprise edition but there are a lot of users in the small group and that sounds like it would be a lot of work. Is there a faster and easier way to get this accomplished?





  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi David,


    The Customer Success Associate for your Enterprise can work with you to get those other plans added into yours. 


    Currently, most of our team is at an annual, two day meeting event and will have limited contact. It's likely that your Customer Success Associate will contact you Thurs-Fri.


    If you're unable to wait until then, you can have the SysAdmins of those other plans cancel their plans with the steps in our Help Center: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/506604-canceling-your-account-and-switching-to-free


    If they cancel—using the Switch to Free option and without transferring sheets— this will keep their sheets in their accounts as read-only until you invite them to your Enterprise plan.

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