Does Smartsheet retain any information from respondents that provide data in a form?

Does Smartsheet retain any information from respondents that provide data in a form?

If so, what information is retained and what is the policy?

I have been asked by my organization's leadership.

Best Answer


  • David Joyeuse
    David Joyeuse ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Alison Antisz

    I guess you would have to go in the Contract stuff to get the answer and that probably someone from Smartsheet would answer better than me.

    Still, since those datas are entered in a form and the results are store on a Smartsheet's sheet that is on their servers, somehow, yes, they do retain and have access to that kind of information.

    But having read the contract long ago, I think they are tied to not use or disclose any data from their customers. So that is probably safe then.