What is wrong with my IF formula

=IF([Transportation Type]@row ="Rental Car", "CWT Code Required”, IF([Transportation Type]@row=”Air”, "CWT Code Required" ,IF([Transportation Type]@row=”Train”, "CWT Code Required")))

Best Answers


  • Nick Burrus
    Nick Burrus Community Champion

    YOu are missing a closing statement.

    =IF([Transportation Type]@row ="Rental Car", "CWT Code Required”, IF([Transportation Type]@row=”Air”, "CWT Code Required", IF([Transportation Type]@row=”Train”, "CWT Code Required", "Closing")))

    Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

    I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.

  • Still gives me an error....

  • I re-typed the quotes and it worked. Thanks all!

  • Glad you could get it working! 🙂

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