OnCriticalPath in a formula?


Hi -

Anyone know of a way to build a formula that determines if a row is on the critical path? It looks like, although we can filter rows by critical path we can't access that tag within a formula. My goal is to add a column called "on critical path?" that is checked if the row is on the Critical Path, and unchecked if it isn't. Once I have that column, I'll be able to produce reports with just those rows on Critical Path.





  • M Underbrink
    M Underbrink ✭✭✭✭✭

    There was another thread on this about a year ago. I don't think they've introduced a formula/function component that does this automatically. The 'manual' way would to be to make a critical path column, filter by critical path, and check all the resulting rows manually. You could then use the checkmark column to pull a report. You'd have to perform this action again every time you changed the critical path for the report to be accurate. Probably not what you are looking for....

  • Marc Shecter
    Marc Shecter ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks M Underbrink.

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