IFERROR and Nested IF Statement



I would like to incorporate an IFERROR into my IF statement, to weed out the pesky #NO MATCH error.

I'm using the formula on a checkbox column and I want it to return a check if the Audition Status column contains Reject or On Hold and be unchecked if the Audition Status column contains anything else (Awaiting Review, Proceed to Hire, Revisions Requested, Revisions Received, #NO MATCH). I am using an INDEX/MATCH on the Audition Status column to draw in data from another sheet.

Here is my working IF statement =IF([Audition Status]@row = "reject", 1, IF([Audition Status]@row = "on hold", 1, 0))

Here is my attempt at adding in the IFERROR

=IFERROR(IF([Audition Status]@row = "reject", 1, IF([Audition Status]@row = "on hold", 1, 0), 0))

Where am I going awry?



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