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Can anyone tell a new user "How long does it take Smartsheet Support to respond?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I submitted a question early today and have received no response whatsoever.

I've tried calling and all I get is they're in a meeting or leave your information.

Not the best way to begin a relationship. :-(


Thank you in advance


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I've never called them.

    I prefer to email them: support@smartsheet.com


    They usually return the first response before the close of the business day (theirs, they are PST time zone)


    I know others here routinely call them and can give their views.



  • Craig, Thanks for you response. I guess I'll continue to wait till end of day.



  • Hi Jose,


    Our Support team will answer the phone, but you might've caught them during a meeting. They try to keep the full support team meetings to a minimum to avoid this, but sometimes their entire team does need to sync up and make sure everyone's on the same page.

  • Rob Hagan
    Rob Hagan ✭✭✭

    Hi Jose,


    Down Under in Australia, we get good responses when we use email (phone support not being an appropriate approach for here because of timezones) and almost always have a reply within the day (once we allow for time differences).


    It is vital that SmartSheet management gets to hear where there is slowness in the response from their support team so that they can do something about it. It took Shaine only a short time to hop on and respond once you raised your concern via the community.


    This community is one of the more vibrant with which I have had the pleasure to engage, so one hopes that this leads to the maintenance of high service levels.





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