Formula based on multiple fields

I am looking to write a formula that will return the the oldest date in the "Date Sent" column if the "Date Approved" column is blank AND the "Pending" column is yellow. I have figured out how to return the oldest date in the "Date Sent" column if the "Date Approved" column is blank:

=MIN(COLLECT({CS Article Tracker Range 3}, {CS Article Tracker Range 4}, @cell = ""))

Where - Range 3 is Date Sent and Range 4 is Date Approved

but can't figure out how to add in the Pending column as a criteria.

Kristie Diersen 😀

Best Answer


  • Hi @David Joyeuse

    I usually name my crossheet ranges, I was just trying to figure it out so I hadn't named them yet.

    This worked perfectly. Thank you for the assistance.

    Kristie Diersen 😀

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