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Managing Allocation % for Many Projects

Tama Wagner
Tama Wagner ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a task that takes me 2 hours to complete, but I have 4 business days to complete that item. So, I have a start date of 02/04/17 and a due date of 02/08/17, so the duration column automatically shows up as 4 days. If the % Allocation column defaults to 100%, in the Resource Views tool, it looks like for 4 days, I’m 100% allocated to that task, but that is not the case.


Because it is not currently possible for the % Allocation feature to adjust automatically according to a span of days and duration, I know that I need to manually enter 6% for the % Allocation to be accurately reflected in the Resource View (8 hour days x 4 = 32 hours - 2/32 hours = 6.25%).


Is there a better way for me to input or manage this information to accurately reflect the work load in the Resource Views tool? I should mention that we have roughly 30 projects with about 30+ different tasks for each project. I'm the only one that manages these schedules.


At one point, I had figured out a series of formulas that would calculate % Allocation according to numbers of days until due date, percentage complete, and duration of time it would take to complete the task. I know that the % Allocation column does not accept formulas, but I found that it did if I turned it off as the designated % Allocation column, input the formula, then turned it back on, the % allocation column would adjust automatically according to the formula. That does not work anymore.







  • Laura
    Laura ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm not sure if this will be helpful to you but...




    I've ran into a similar issue and this is how I decided to break mine down now. 


    Thats saying out of the 4 days, your task duration is 2hs, you used 100% of that allocated time for the task and its now 100% complete. In my case, I could set aside 2hrs and it might take 30mins so i'd change the allocation % to 25%.



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