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Update Request trigger

George Chatzigeorgiou
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi, i need to create a trigger (with "Date" or "Assigned to") in order to sent automatily a update request to the person i have "Assigned to". Is this possible? 


  • Alex Vorobiev
    Alex Vorobiev ✭✭✭✭✭

    George - not yet, but we are moving in that direction.  Later this month we are targeting to release conditional notifications, which would be our first step in that direction.  Don't have a timeilne on supporting conditional update requests yet but working on it.



  • This would be a great improvement. I would like to create one update request and have the rows distributed by Assigned To. In addition, I don't want the rows to send if the Status is "Completed".


    Looking forward to these enhancements soon!

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