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Limit entry of % complete column

Is it possible to limit the entry of a % complete column to make my sheet more 'foolproof'? So only allow entries between 0 & 100 %?


E.g. I use a conditional formatting rule that when a % complete is 100% that a row is 'grayed out', but if someone accidentally add 110% then  no conditional formatting is applied.


  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 02/13/17

    Hi Leanne,


    We currently don't have data validation such that values can be restricted or limited in a column but I've got your vote down for this on our enhancement.

  • Mike Andreas
    Mike Andreas ✭✭✭
    edited 02/17/17

    Would formatting a column as a dropdown not work for percent?


    I answered another discussion in detail that has equations that may suit your need.  If someone enters something above 100%, the RYGB status ball column shows red when it would be desired to show as blue.  This may be enough of a trigger to the user that something is wrong.  If the Actual Percent Complete column in my screenshot below could be formatted as a dropdown, this would be even better for you.


    Might want to search on my posts and check it out.



  • LeanneScheepers
    edited 02/20/17

    Hi Mike,


    Nice workaround. The RYG-balls aren't necessary for my purpose, but I can always make a dropdown list with the options that I want to allow, e.g. 0%-25%-50%-75%-100%.



    While trying to edit the column properties to a dropdown list, I got the following message. Any thought whether the solution that Mike suggested is applicable?




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