How to calculate a COUNTIF when using a date 01/01/2020 month to date


Good Morning Everyone,

I am trying to create a formula that pulls from a master spreadsheet that calculates the number returned based on a date from the data sheet. I have columns that indicate month to date, September, August, July, June, May, April, March....

=COUNTIFS({LPSC tickets Range 1}, "Production", {LPSC tickets Range 2}, "S2 - Urgent", {LPSC tickets Range 3}, "AFR") (This formula works).

How get the number of tickets in production with severity 2, for client AFR, Month to Date and a separate formula for within September, August, July...Columns?

I was trying to use the formula below. Is it correct for this date format?

The date field on the data sheet is in the following format: 01/01/2020

=COUNTIF({LPSC tickets Range 4}MONTH, TODAY(), ={LPSC tickets Range 4})

Best Answers


  • David Joyeuse
    David Joyeuse ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Chareese Hayes

    I believe you're looking for this:

    =COUNTIFS({LPSC tickets Range 1}, "Production", {LPSC tickets Range 2}, "S2 - Urgent", {LPSC tickets Range 3}, "AFR", {LPSC tickets Range 4}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell),0)=9)

    Just replace the number in the last argument according to the month you want to count.

  • Chareese Hayes

    Hi David,

    I used this in the MTD November column

    =COUNTIFS({LPSC tickets Range 1}, "Production", {LPSC tickets Range 2}, "S2 - Urgent", {LPSC tickets Range 3}, "AFR", {LPSC tickets Range 4}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 1) = 11)

    Results = INVALID REF

  • Chareese Hayes

    I also tried:

    =COUNTIFS({LPSC tickets Range 1}, "Production", {LPSC tickets Range 2}, "S2 - Urgent", {LPSC tickets Range 3}, "AFR", {LPSC tickets Range 4}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 11)

    11= November

  • Chareese Hayes

    It worked. Thank you.


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