Cell History Log - Formatted Download Option

edited 11/05/20 in API & Developers

I know there has been a lot of discussions out there for getting the Smartsheet History Cell Log downloaded to a format that is viewable and you can actually use to analyze data..

My understanding is that Smartsheets has not developed anything to support this as of today.

Asking around if anyone in this community has developed an API that you could share?



    If you have a Buisness or Enterprise plan, you could use the Activity Log to download a list of changes that were recently made to the sheet (see here for more information).

    If you specifically just need the history for certain cells, then yes, the Smartsheet API could be used for this. There is specific documentation on how to retrieve Cell History, here.



  • Hi Genevieve,

    Thanks for your response. I knew about the Smartsheet view and filters of History log but looking more to a way of automation and looking a specific cells. I would like to be able to produce an output similar to the way Smartsheet does it today when you right click and view cell history. It's clean and neat.

    I will venture down an API where I can automate the process potentially. My problem is of now is that I'm not an expert in API and need to bridge this gap.

    Thanks for your help.


    In this case, you are correct, there currently isn't the ability to download this Cell History directly from the Smartsheet application (please submit this form to send feedback to our Product team when you have a minute!)

    If you have questions about the API documentation or if you're having trouble setting this up, you could book a 30-minute Pro Desk coaching session since your Smartsheet account is licensed on a plan that includes this support. There is a Category of Pro Desk specifically for Connectors/API, see here: https://www.smartsheet.com/pro-desk



  • Hi Genevieve,

    Great idea - i have a lot of session left and going to take your advise and set something up with Pro Desk.

    Thanks for your quick replies.