Issue with formula in sheet summary


I am having an issue with my formula:

=COUNTIFS([Start Date]:[Start Date], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) >= 7, Type:Type, OR(@cell = "Residence Life Event", @cell = "6 in first 6", @cell = "Welcome Back Event", [P.A.W.S (Res Life Only)]:[P.A.W.S (Res Life Only)], "Philanthropic"))

I want it to count events that are equal to or greater than a start date of July (7), if the Type is selected as either a Residence Life Event, 6 in first 6, or Welcome Back Event, and if the column P.A.W.S (Res Life Only) is selected as Philanthropic.


  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Are you getting an error message? Or is it just not pulling the data you thought?

    The first issue I can see is that you can simplify things by adding a date option.

    =COUNTIFS([Start Date]:[Start Date], >=Date(2020,07,07), Type:Type, OR(@cell = "Residence Life Event", @cell = "6 in first 6", @cell = "Welcome Back Event", [P.A.W.S (Res Life Only)]:[P.A.W.S (Res Life Only)], "Philanthropic"))

    See if that pulls the data you were looking for. If it doesn't please post whatever error you were receiving and even a screenshot of the data with sensitive data blacked out.

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