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Program Report

Edward H
Edward H
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi There,


Im trying to create a report on tasks that are programmeed to be undertaken in a specified date range (but not necccesarily starting or finising in that same date range).


For example:


I have a task that starts on the 1st of February and ends on the 20th February (i.e 21 days of work to complete the task)

I want to be able to run a report that tells me which task are programed to be worked on between 5th February and 10th February.


From what I can see I am able to report on task starting or ending between the 5th and 10th February, but the report will not pick up task with durations that 'straddle' those dates.


Hopefully this makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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