Set Status Based on One or More Expiration Dates

Hello Community,

I have a sheet where the primary column is a user name. Then, a status column with RYG. Then, alternating columns of checkboxes for a unique certification followed by a column with the expiration date of the certification.

I would like to set the status based on the following conditions:

Red = any certification is expired

Yellow = at least one certification is scheduled to expire within 30 days

Green = all certifications that are checked expire more then 30 days from now

My formula for the status column is...

=IF((ISDATE([Administrator]@row:[Application Architect Expiration]@row),MIN([Administrator]@row:[Total Certifications]@row) <= TODAY(-30), "Red", IF(MIN([Administrator]@row:[ Application Architect Expiration]@row) <= TODAY(30), "Yellow", "Green")))

Following is a screenshot of my sheet.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best Answer


  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jay F ,


    =IF(MIN(COLLECT([Administrator]@row:[Total Certifications]@row, ISDATE(@cell)=1) <= TODAY(-30), "Red", IF(MIN(COLLECT([Administrator]@row:[Total Certifications]@row, ISDATE(@cell)=1) <= TODAY(30), "Yellow", "Green"))

    Because your rows contains checkboxes and dates you need to use COLLECT to look at just the dates.

    Does it work for you?


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  • Jay F
    Jay F ✭✭

    Hi @Mark C.

    Thank you for the reply, I tried your suggestion and get "INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET" as an error message. I'm still learning here, but it is possible the date range of 30 is the issue?

  • Jay F
    Jay F ✭✭

    Thank you @Mark C.

    For reference, I tweaked the date values in the TODAY function to get the colors correct. Here is my final formula

    =IF(MIN(COLLECT(Administrator@row:[Total Certifications]@row, Administrator@row:[Total Certifications]@row, ISDATE(@cell) = 1)) <= TODAY(), "Red", IF(MIN(COLLECT(Administrator@row:[Total Certifications]@row, Administrator@row:[Total Certifications]@row, ISDATE(@cell) = 1)) <= TODAY(30), "Yellow", "Green"))

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Beautiful. Glad you figured it out. Appreciate you accepting my answer.


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