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Matt Wilson
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Has anyone got any positive experience with linking Magento to Smartsheet? eg just to populate a sheet with orders recived etc.


  • Hello Matt,


    I don't believe that we have direct integration for Magento but I've added your vote for this to our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    With that being said, you might explore a third party automation service like Zapier to integrate Smartsheet with Magento.

  • many thanks, yes we looked at Zappier, it says it can but has no track recored and the programmer needed to spend quite big £ to make it work, so we abandoned it.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I'm not sure I follow your last comment.

    When you say Zapier has no track record, what does that mean? They have been around for 5+ years now and are growing steadily (over 50+ employees now).

    I've been using them for a little over a year and whiile I have not had obstacles, I prefer it over other options more often than not.

    (Microsoft Flow has potential, but the GUI is counterintuitive (to me), IFTTT and Azuqua are too expensive for my needs, and there a dozen more I have not tried)


    When you say big GBP to make it work, this also confuses me.

    If your workflow is Magento >> Smartsheet, Magento has 9 triggers which can be used to add rows to Smartsheet. 

    A Zap takes a few minutes to set up - sometimes longer when waiting on your cloud SaaS to respond properly for testing, but not long.


    Just my $0.02 






  • well that seems strange as i asked Zappier directly and they didn't seem to be able to assist with the issues i had on this, The reffernce to track record was specifically in regard to Magento not Zappier generally - as i am sure its great for some things.

  • Matt Wilson
    edited 02/27/17

    ference to £ was to teh ammount of programming that seemed top be needed to make it work. (i am not a programmer I may be being taken for a ride!). can you recomend a programmer?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/27/17



    If there is something that needs to be added to the integration for Magento, then either Zapier and/or Magento are typically involved. But it looks fairly full featured from my prelim investigation. That means no additional programming, if I am correct.


    Zapier's interface requires no real programming skills, other than the thought process. The GUI is pretty straight forrward (to me).


    You can contact Richard at Smarter Business Processes (richardr@smarterbusinessprocesses.com) if you'd like a quick consult. First hour is free and it may be enough to get you started. He's a colleague.


    You can also email me at craig.williams@smarterbusinessprocesses.com to take the conversation off-line.


    It may be that your requirements require an update to the integration in Zapier, but I can't tell from what you've said so far.




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