Links to cells of other worksheets take time to be updated

I have run into the following situation multiple times:

I have cells on a worksheet (let's call it "destination sheet") that has links to cells on another worksheet ("calculation sheet"). Cells on calculation sheet are formulas aggregating some cells on another sheet ("source sheet"). After the source sheet is updated, the calculation sheet recalculates immediately, however, the links on the destination sheet to the calculation sheet won't update the final result on the destination sheet immediately. It takes some hours to update the result. I am not sure how many hours it takes, in some occasions, it is 5 hours, in some other occasions it takes a couple of days.

Has anybody run into this situation before too? What is the issue here?



Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    It also depends on the sizes of the ranges in the formulas and how complex the formulas are. Conditional formatting also adds up pretty quickly towards slowing a sheet down.

    I have a sheet that I use that has a 10x15 grid with formulas in them. There are no cross sheet references or cell links, but the complexity of the formulas and the fact that they are referencing other complex formulas has noticeably slowed the sheet down.


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