Remove a Decimal in Column without Rounding

I have a column set up for a Retail Price, currently it looks like this: 3.99

I need to pull this column into another column with a column formula, but I need it to be formatted without the decimal, without rounding. So in the column formula I want it to pull in and look like this: 399.

The column formula is automatically combining multiple columns into one, both text and numbers.

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try...

    =("Category:" + Category@row + ", " + "Theme:" + [Theme Name]@row + ", " + "Ministry:" + Ministry@row + ", " + "Year:" + [Item Year]@row + ", " + "Translation:" + Translation@row + ", " + "Language:" + Language@row + ", " + "Product Type:" + [Product Type]@row + ", " + "MSRP:" + ([Retail Price]@row * 100))

    Keep in mind though that because you are adding it to a text string, it will be converted to a text instead of a numerical value. It will still show as "399" instead of "3.99" though.


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