Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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I am trying to solve for a formula to countifs all conditions, except for one that I want to count if either/or:

=COUNTIFS({HR Projects - Project Stage}, Metrics16, {HR Projects - PMO Must-Do}, 1, {Range 4}, 0, (OR{HR Projects - PMO Range 7}, "Inclusion & Diversity", "Employee Experience")

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi Lisa

    Try this

    =COUNTIFS({HR Projects - Project Stage}, Metrics16, {HR Projects - PMO Must-Do}, 1, {Range 4}, 0, {HR Projects - PMO Range 7}, OR(@cell="Inclusion & Diversity", @cell="Employee Experience"))

    Also, to make your formulas even more robust, consider using @row in place of specific row numbers whenever possible. ex: Metrics@row Click here for more info


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