Nesting - Lines Become Un-nested Regularly


Hello. I do very simple nesting: I have a header row and indent related rows underneath it. I have tried doing this both with the doc filtered and unfiltered, but not matter what, within a few hours, several rows will lose their indent and fall out of the nest. Any ideas?


  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Evan Jahn ,

    It could be a system issue but it's more likely user driven. Check your activity log for any hierarchy changes, educate users on the hierarchy buttons, and if you can, lock the primary column so only the owner and admins can change hierarchy. I say to educate users in the hierarchy button because it looks like a text formatting icon. It's not a tab or indent button for formatting cells.

    Hope you figure it out and it doesn't happen again.


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  • Evan Jahn

    Thank you for your response

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