Variance Formula in Sheet Summary



I love to utilize sheet summaries to link metrics to the dashboards I create. I want to have quarter over quarter and year over year variances in my sheet summaries. I thought I had figured out how to do it, but when I was viewing one of my dashboards I realized the percentages were off.

I have attached a screen shot of what I have been trying to do. I am trying to do (a sheet summary field-minus another one)/the subtracted field. I have been using the formula below. I use IFERROR because sometimes I have them divide by zero. So what I am trying to do in the image is (7-88)/88. This should give me -92%, but instead it is giving me 600%.

=IFERROR([2021 Q1 NOFs]# - [2020 Q4 NOFs]# / ABS([2020 Q4 NOFs]#), "0")

Is there an issue with the formula I am using?

I would appreciate the help!


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