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Formula for basis of reminder generation


  Here is my scenario:  I have two directors who need to be notified upon the completion of a form based on their customer.  It seems that the easiest way to do so is to utilize the reminders based off the date generated once the checkbox is marked complete.


Right now I have columns with the contact list for the two directors, and the checkbox to mark the completion, in order to help generate these emails.  I have started an IF scenario but I'm not sure if it is correct or how to get it to return the value for one or the other of the directors.

Here's where I am at so far:

=IF(AND([Portfolio Director]1 = "Director 1", [Scope Sheet Completed]1 = 1, TODAY(), ""))


This is returning an incorrect argument error.  Also I would need to add the additional piece that it would connect for Portfolio Direct 2.


Thanks for any help you can provide.


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