Index Match Returning the Wrong Value


I'm perplexed why the Index(Match() formula might be returning the wrong value for me. I've checked this at least a dozen times and I have no idea. Please see screenshot below:

=INDEX({Sell Rate}, MATCH(Position@row, {Position}, 0)

It should be matching the sell rate in this other sheet when the position is Test. As you can clearly see, the value in Test is $5.00 and it's matching $0.00.

The Buy Rate is doing the same thing.

I have one called RN on here and it IS returning the correct value. If I rename RN as Test so it's in the first 15 rows and rename Test as RN, Test does work and RN doesn't.

Is there a reason why it might only be recording the first 15 rows??

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think you have it Messed up..

    you pasted.. INDEX({Sell Rate}, MATCH(Position@row, {Position}, 0)

    But your formula has INDEX({Sell Rate}, MATCH(Position@row, {Position}), 0).

    The bracket "}), 0" placed where it causes the "0" to be referenced as the column_index for the INDEX function not the search_type for the MATCH Function

    This will cause the MATCH to be done in the default "1", which is a sorted list..

    It sees TL and says oh well Te is before TL so I will use $0.00

    Try changing it to : INDEX({Sell Rate}, MATCH(Position@row, {Position}, 0))

    Probably just too long staring at ({[Different Brackets]})


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I think you have it Messed up..

    you pasted.. INDEX({Sell Rate}, MATCH(Position@row, {Position}, 0)

    But your formula has INDEX({Sell Rate}, MATCH(Position@row, {Position}), 0).

    The bracket "}), 0" placed where it causes the "0" to be referenced as the column_index for the INDEX function not the search_type for the MATCH Function

    This will cause the MATCH to be done in the default "1", which is a sorted list..

    It sees TL and says oh well Te is before TL so I will use $0.00

    Try changing it to : INDEX({Sell Rate}, MATCH(Position@row, {Position}, 0))

    Probably just too long staring at ({[Different Brackets]})

  • Nick Allgauer
    Nick Allgauer ✭✭✭✭

    Eureka! Thanks a ton for finding this error. 🤩

  • pris
    pris ✭✭✭✭
    Options You're a lifesaver! This really helped me!

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