VLOOKUP for form options

Hi, I have 5 Programs of work, each with multiples projects in each (3-24). When a user is completing the associated form and selects a particular Program, I want to use a VLOOKUP on a different grid (or something) to present dropdown options of projects for just that Program in the form. I currently have 5 separate columns in the original grid for each of the project lists which is making my reports messy, so would rather have just one column.

Is this possible? I'm new to Smartsheets and would appreciate any advice :).


Best Answers

  • Neil Watson
    Neil Watson Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi, are option would be to introduce an additional helper column which summarises the contents of the respective columns. You can then use this on the report.

  • Neil Watson
    Neil Watson Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    The diagram you added suggested that for each project row, there is only one "option"?

    If that is the case, the helper column can be a simple as the JOIN function.

    Even with multiple column returns, the JOIN function also has the option of a delimiter to separate items:


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