% of tasks in a specific status (in progress, not started, complete) by process and by team

Sample Plan Preview is below. Note: The % displayed in the column only counts for completed tasks at a parent level =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Tasks Name]@row)) > 0, COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status@row), "Complete") / COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status@row), <>"N/A"))

I Need Assistance:

  • By team: % of children tasks that are "Not Started", "In progress", etc. minus the total tasks items that are "N/A" within the team
  • By Process: % of children tasks that are "Not Started", "In progress", etc. minus the total asks items that are "N/A" within the team
  • I would like to use a Metric sheet since I'm created dashboards based on the results.

I created a Metrics sheet below and unfortunately when I marked all tasks complete for all processes under G-Team I was provided with 20% rather than 100%.

Formulas I've used:

  1. Formula I used to get the total "complete" by process divided by overall task minus "N/A" tasks to get a % of "Complete" by process =(COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, "Complete", {Reference Doc Range 3}, "Process A", {Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team") + COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, "Complete", {Reference Doc Range 3}, "Process B", {Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team")) / COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, <>"N/A")
  2. Formula I used to get the total not started by team divided by overall task minus "N/A" tasks to get a % of "Not started" by team =COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, "Not Started", {Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team") / COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, <>"N/A")

*** I've used others and it still didn't make sense mathematically.


  • Hi @Denera McCullough

    Can I clarify, what are you looking to divide by? Currently your formulas are dividing the Count of G-Team Status rows by all the tasks in the entire sheet that aren't N/A (regardless of Team or Process), is that correct?

    For example, if I had the following 3 rows:

    G Team / Process A / Complete

    G Team / Process B / Complete

    J Team / Process A / Complete

    Your formula would divide 2 / 3, since the J Team has a row that is <> N/A.

    Are you wanting to filter the count of total tasks that aren't N/A by process and team as well?

    If so, you'll need to add in your criteria and ranges into the final COUNTIFS function. If you just want to check the G Team as a whole, then you can do this:

    =(COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, "Complete", {Reference Doc Range 3}, "Process A", {Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team") + COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, "Complete", {Reference Doc Range 3}, "Process B", {Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team")) / COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team", {Reference Doc Range 1}, <>"N/A")

    If you have more processes listed than Process A and Process B so you need to filter by process as well, this will need to be included in your formula, too:

    =(COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, "Complete", {Reference Doc Range 3}, "Process A", {Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team") + COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 1}, "Complete", {Reference Doc Range 3}, "Process B", {Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team")) / COUNTIFS({Reference Doc Range 2}, "G-team", {Reference Doc Range 1}, <>"N/A", {Reference Doc Range 3}, OR(@cell = "Process A", @cell = "Process B"))

    Does this make sense? Let me know if this works for you!



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  • @Genevieve P

    Clarity: Filter the count of total tasks that aren't N/A by process and team

    Note: I have 4 teams but each team have their own process Example: E-Team: Process C & D, B-Team: Process E & F

    • By G-Team:
      • [(Process A "Completed" tasks - Process A "N/A" tasks ) + (Process B "Completed" tasks - Process B "N/A" tasks )] DIVIDE BY [(Process A ALL tasks - Process A "N/A" tasks ) + (Process B ALL tasks - Process B "N/A" tasks )]
    • By Process:
      • (Process A "Completed" tasks - Process A "N/A" tasks ) DIVIDE BY (Process A ALL tasks - Process A "N/A" tasks )
      • (Process B Completed tasks - Process B "N/A" tasks ) DIVIDE BY (Process B ALL tasks - Process B "N/A" tasks )
    • Above I want to swap out completed with In progress and not started. I need it for each Status

    Thanks for the formulas. I will check it out to see they work

  • Hi Denera,

    If I'm understanding your end goal correctly, I believe I was able to achieve the correct percentages by slightly changing your formula so that children that had children didn't get double counted:

    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Tasks Name]@row)) > 0, COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status@row), "Complete") / COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status@row), <>"N/A"))


    =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN([Tasks Name]@row)) > 1, COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status@row), "Complete") / COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(Status@row), <>"N/A"))

    To achieve the summary metrics, I used the following formula to get total percentages:

    =COUNTIFS($[Child count]$2:$[Child count]$21, >1, $Team2:Team21, Team@row, $Status$2:$Status$21, =Status@row) / COUNTIFS($[Child count]$2:$[Child count]$21, >1)

    I did this on the same sheet, so if I'm on the right track, we can transfer the formulas to a separate metrics sheet.

    Let me know if this helps, and good luck!


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