Variable Elimination


I am having trouble trying to eliminate a variable form my formula

=COUNTIFS([Current Status]1:[Current Status]80, NOT(CONTAINS("Early", @cell, "DNP", @cell)))

Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Oh, or do you mean contains GNG? or Completed, as well as the first criteria? Change the word to fit your conditions.

    =COUNTIFS([GNG 1 Status]:[GNG 1 Status], CONTAINS("Completed"@cell), [Current Status]:[Current Status], AND(@cell <> "", NOT(CONTAINS("Early", @cell)), NOT(CONTAINS("DNP", @cell)))))

    I apologize for not understanding. See if this is what you meant. If it doesn't work, please tell me what it is not doing


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Shannon Lacerda

    Try this

    =COUNTIFS([Current Status]:[Current Status], AND(@cell<>"", NOT(CONTAINS("Early", @cell)), NOT(CONTAINS("DNP", @cell))))


  • Shannon Lacerda

    @KDM thanks,

    can you help me with this, I need to same parameter as the last formula to help count column.

    =COUNTIFS([GNG 1 Status]1:[GNG 1 Status]80, ([Current Status]:[Current Status], AND(@cell <> "", NOT(CONTAINS("Early", @cell)), NOT(CONTAINS("DNP", @cell)))))

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To clarify, we're replacing the [Current Status] column with the [GNG 1 Status] column, but keeping all of the same criteria? Also, I removed the row references in the range- unless you are specifically calling out that range of row1-row80 we can use the whole column reference instead.

    =COUNTIFS([GNG 1 Status]:[GNG 1 Status], AND(@cell <> "", NOT(CONTAINS("Early", @cell)), NOT(CONTAINS("DNP", @cell)))))

    If this isn't what you need, let me know what I misunderstood and we can tweak it.

  • Shannon Lacerda

    I need to add up column (GNG Status) but not include the ones that have Early or DNP in the same row.

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Did the above return the expected values?

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Oh, or do you mean contains GNG? or Completed, as well as the first criteria? Change the word to fit your conditions.

    =COUNTIFS([GNG 1 Status]:[GNG 1 Status], CONTAINS("Completed"@cell), [Current Status]:[Current Status], AND(@cell <> "", NOT(CONTAINS("Early", @cell)), NOT(CONTAINS("DNP", @cell)))))

    I apologize for not understanding. See if this is what you meant. If it doesn't work, please tell me what it is not doing

  • Shannon Lacerda

    @KDM Thanks that worked 👍️

  • Shannon Lacerda

    @KDM so sorry to bother you again,

    I have another one, this time I WANT to include the RFP, LOST, WON aspects of the Row, I dont get an error, but I just get a 0. which I know is wrong

    =COUNTIFS([GNG 2 Status]:[GNG 2 Status], CONTAINS("Completed", @cell), [Current Status]:[Current Status], AND(@cell <> "", (CONTAINS("RFP", @cell)), (CONTAINS("LOST", @cell)), (CONTAINS("WON", @cell))))

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey @Shannon Lacerda

    Sorry I didn't see this post last night, and it's no bother.

    Now we need to switch to an OR function.

    =COUNTIFS([GNG 2 Status]:[GNG 2 Status], CONTAINS("Completed", @cell), [Current Status]:[Current Status], OR(CONTAINS("RFP", @cell), CONTAINS("LOST", @cell), CONTAINS("WON", @cell)))

    Does this return the correct value?



  • Shannon Lacerda

    @KDM Thank you that worked! :)

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Always glad to help. Let me know if there's anything else.

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