SUMIFS Formula not recognising a comma

David Mason
David Mason ✭✭
edited 03/04/21 in Formulas and Functions


I wonder if anyone is having this problem or if this is user error, When creating a SUMIFS formula the first part apprears fine with the range and criteria range followed by criteria. However, when i enter the comma for the second criteria range and criteria I get an error. the following is my my formula which I think is fairly straight forward. When I hover over the ({ResourceTracker Company}) it appears that system is not picking up the commas and it is highlighted as all one criteria range with no criteria selected. it is as though I have not added the last comma. (I hope that makes sense).

=SUMIFS({ResourceTracker Planned}, {ResourceTracker Month}, "October 2020", {ResourceTracker Company}, Company@row)

I hope some one could explain what I am doing wrong? Any guidance is appreciated. The error I get is #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET

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