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Web Forms and entering data via android smartsheet app

Jon Brown
Jon Brown ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have built my sheet and built the web form.

I have downloaded the smartsheet app onto my android tablet.

I sen the email link and accepted as the user that i want to have access to the web form.

How do I now see and use the web form when in the smartsheet app?

It doesnt appear as an option in my list of available items in the android app?



  • Shaine Greenwood


    Hi Jon,


    You may need to tap the web form link again and while in the web form, tap the "open in app" link in the banner at the top.


    Smartsheet for Android has to recognize the link as something it can open, if that process is disrupted in any way then the web form won't open in the Android app. Make sure that after you tap the link, there aren't any other applications getting involved.


    Also reduce the amount of times you sign out of the Android app, as when you sign out, the web form won't appear in the Android app unless you go back and tap the web form link again.


    If you still have issues, reach out to our Support team and we can troubleshoot further: https://help.smartsheet.com/contact

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