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Sight in a SIght

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I have built a sight which is a kind of high level summary.

In which I have linkwidget to open detailed sights


I published the link to the high level sight, and people have it on their mobile / laptops


pb: using the link to the summary sight works ok and the summary opens in 'view' mode, but when clicking the link for the detailed sight in it, the detailed one does not open in 'view' mode but in the overall portal of the user.


What did I miss?


Sorry for so basic questions, but I want to ramp up fast!!!



  • thadr
    edited 03/23/17

    Hi Bruno,


    I have the same setup where we present a portfolio view Sights page and then I have detail links assigned to each project for additional information. These links open up the Sights page for the individual projects. So the user is in a Sights page (Portfolio view) and then they are taken to another Sights page (Project Status view).


    In my Portfolio report that I expose to my Sights summary page, I include the URL link to my Project Sights page. I don't do use the "Link from Cell in Other Sheet" option. I use the hyperlink option and include the URL link from the properties page of my Project Sights page.


    With this setup, the user is taken directly to the Project Sights page when they select the link.


    Hopefully, this helps you.



  • Bruno
    edited 03/23/17

    It WORKS !!!


This discussion has been closed.