Does task info about being on critical path exist?


I would like to use something like =IS-ON-CRITICAL-PATH in a formula for the health indicator of a task. Does that function exist? I know Smartsheet can show the CP, but can a task identify itself for being on the CP or not?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Hans Pfisterer

    There currently isn't a formula Function in Smartsheet that can immediately identify if a certain row/task is part of the critical path or not. Pease let our Product Team know that this is a Function you'd find useful by filling in this form, here!

    Are all of your rows with data in the Predecessor column a part of your critical path? If so, you could use this as the validation for your formula... for example, IF the Predecessor column is <> "" (not blank). Would this work for you?




  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Hans Pfisterer

    There currently isn't a formula Function in Smartsheet that can immediately identify if a certain row/task is part of the critical path or not. Pease let our Product Team know that this is a Function you'd find useful by filling in this form, here!

    Are all of your rows with data in the Predecessor column a part of your critical path? If so, you could use this as the validation for your formula... for example, IF the Predecessor column is <> "" (not blank). Would this work for you?



  • Hans Pfisterer

    Hello and thank you! I did let the product team know that this would be a useful function.

    Your suggested workaround would not work, since all our lines - also the ones not on CP - do have predecessors.

  • James Keuning
    James Keuning ✭✭✭✭✭

    So, my brain is pretty tired right now, and when I encountered this question a few days ago I decided to watch it for an answer. I understand that the answer is that Smartsheet can't do this.

    But if I remember from my PMP days, we can identify critical path with a calculator, so it seems like we could make Smartsheet do it too. The Predecessor field can be parsed, so it seems like all the numbers are there.

    Anyway, I am going to work on this when I am a little fresher.

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