Extract MAX date from comma separated string in a cell

Nazeer Sayyed
Nazeer Sayyed ✭✭
edited 03/26/21 in Formulas and Functions

Hi There,

I have a column [Scenario Date] with concatenated dates separated by comma. I want to extract MAX data from the string and show it in a [Scenario (Max) Date] column.

I know we can use MAX function if we have only one date in a cell and Date column. But need some help with below.

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    If the Scenario Date is concatenated from a different sheet, could you instead reference this other sheet and possibly use a MAX/COLLECT type of formula to pull the max date directly from the source?

    Exactly what formula are you using to pull the string? I imagine probably a JOIN/COLLECT? If so, replace "JOIN" with "MAX" and remove the delimiter portion.

    =JOIN(COLLECT(..............................), ", ")



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